Saturday, December 8, 2012

Joomla Module Development

It is quite common that most people are unaware of the fact that Joomla module and Joomla component are different, and interchange one with the other. But let's briefly make it clear over here; while components are viewed as mini applications, modules on the other hand render flexibility to Joomla by linking to Joomla components in order to display fresh content. Thus, each have unique roles to play and hence considered the basic blocks of any Joomla website.

· Module Installation: There are numerous ways of installing a module in the back-end, installing by the help of a FTP or through the in-built extension manager. In Extensions>> Extension Manager, browse for the compressed file of the module and click 'Upload and Install'. At times this manager doesn't work, in such cases, unzip the zipped file and upload the module folder using FTP.

· Module Setup: Goto Extensions>> Module Manager and check that it appears along with other installed modules, on its successful installation. Publish it in selected pages of the website and choose the position where it is to be displayed. Module ordering can be done by using the up and down arrow keys or setting the ordering numerically.

· Module Customisation: Set up the module parameters displayed on the right hand side. These parameters provide flexibility in customizing the its features. Read the documentation of the module for all possible customizations and information regarding the settings. Click on save to keep the required customizations made and view the site to see the changes made.

· Module Development: Developing Joomla modules is a complex process and requires knowledge and expertise in coding. Prior to the development process, through planning is required to meet the needs of the clients and post development process includes compatibility check for web browsers, validation of codes, search engine optimisation techniques and much more.

Joomla community is rich in extensions, including modules and components. A large variety of quality modules are available over the internet. There also exist a number of service providers to design custom Joomla modules for websites as well. Keep these module development overview features in mind while choosing a Joomla module for the Joomla website:

· It must be compatible with all Joomla templates

· Cross browser compatibility tests to be carried out

· Assistance in installing it and support facilities

· User friendly modules with proper documentation

· Fast turnaround time and affordable price quote

· Stable and GNU/GPL valid licensed modules

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Website Development - Aviation Websites Online Case Study

Not long ago, I was having a discussion with an acquaintance about the need for more quality websites in the aviation sector. Sure, there are tons of decent sites and portals for most every major topic in aviation such as; aerospace design, airline news, defense aerospace, etc. Still, there seems to be room for some nice portal websites in the sector.

Perhaps, some website that might also generate cash flow to pay for the site's development would be wise. Okay so, maybe you are an internet entrepreneur with a bit of knowledge on the topic of aviation and have some experience in the sector - if so, let's talk.

Let's say you wanted to find an aviation niche to exploit online, perhaps a website about fractional jet ownership, buying a new plane, or even something as simple as learning how to fly - well, how might you go about this? First, your website will need some decent pictures, and decent content. The content should be easy, since there are many article directory sites, plus you could create some of your own content as well. Just make sure you only use top notch quality content on your site, remember aviation people don't do BS.

Interestingly enough, I've written a number of articles on such topics as well as articles on learning how to fly. Some article authors if you contact them maybe willing to allow their articles on your website with some sort of link back to them, otherwise you might wish to try an article directory site for content, just make sure you only use the good articles, and read them carefully, many aren't worth much and might turn away your users.

If you contact an aviation writer then that might help get you some quick content; ask them if you can put a link to the bottom of every fifth article to the author's website, not at the bottom of each. Next, I believe that you ought to consider some sort of interactive space, such as a bulletin board, but if you do, you must know that it can be a time consuming effort monitoring such a board due to spammers posting advertising, and always beware of.php hackers too. They can ruin your entire forum, and cause you to have to take it down, thus, alienating and upsetting all the users.

Worse, you lose all those pages in the search engines, which would have brought in huge numbers of new visitors to read information on all the cool aviation topics. Okay so, if you are considering operating such a site, these are some things you should be considering and thinking about.

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Principles of Sound Website Design and Development

In previous days when the websites came into picture they were static by nature. These html documents could be seen using web browsers. The dynamic pages came into the picture with the development of DHTML. However as the time passed the demands of people increased. Now a day's one can find text, graphics, audio, video, animation in web pages. Colorful images should eye-catching as well as relate to the topic. Use of animation makes websites more dynamic and attractive

There are certain basic and useful criteria to be used while designing and developing catchy and attractive websites. Theme and color of web pages should indicate the intention of website. They should not be too gaudy. Animation in pages should not disturb the user. The site can be interactive. It means it may provide user interference like accepting questions, opinions, votes, form submissions, booking tickets.

There are specific things which can be followed if you want to built website which is sound

The foremost feature and strength of the website is its strong and unique content. When users browse the site the first thing he wants is to get rid of questions. So the articles in pages should be very informative. High quality contents fetch the user attention and it helps for internet marketing. Google, Yahoo and other search engines ranks those sites which have very powerful, informative and unique contents.

Some users don't keep reading thing that they want to. They just scan. So designing of site should be up to the mark. Special formatting techniques catch the visitor's attention and deliver the contents as required.

Now a day's everybody is in hurry. People don't like passing time behind slow web sites. For this the graphical images in pages should be very light in size. They should be optimized. The data, graphics, animation or any software on site should be easily downloadable.

The formatting or layout and design should be compatible with any browser. So while developing the site the developer should keep the compatibility issue in mind.

The theme and color used in site should be meaningful. It means they should be according to intention of website. Website should be developed according to web standards set byW3C, ECMA etc. Following web standards helps search engines to read the code of pages for optimization and ranking. It also helps site to be compatible to any web browser and any internet device. Using markup languages like HTML, XML, XHTML and CSS helps site not to be very complicated in coding. | Thus the websites have been close friend of people and very useful. So they should be more attractive, informative and disseminate useful information as first objective.

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What Is Server Downtime?

Server "downtime" is the term that is used to describe a period of time in which a server or website is unavailable. Server downtime and outages occur when a system is unable to perform its primary functions. Downtime can be the result of a planned event, such as a system upgrade or routine maintenance. It may also be the result of unexpected issues such as server overloads or system crashes.

Planned Downtime versus Unplanned Downtime: Server downtime is unavoidable in certain situations. Planned downtime, such as the downtime that is associated with server maintenance and upgrades, can be planned for properly and notice can be given to your customers. When such downtime is scheduled, it is scheduled in advance. This allows you to give your customers notice regarding the downtime so they are made aware of the fact that your website will be unavailable during a set period of time. Notifying your customers of planned downtime in advance results in less frustration and does not impact the reputation of your company.

Unplanned downtime, on the other hand, can be a frustrating experience for customers and potential customers. Your website visitors may be unable to make or purchase or access features of your website that they need. If you want to maximize your profits and reduce customer frustration, you need to make sure that unplanned downtime is minimized and that you are monitoring the level of server downtime that your website is experiencing.

What Causes Unplanned Downtime? As explained above, unplanned server downtime can be caused by a number of factors. Improper system configuration, hardware failure or other system failures can result in unplanned server downtime. Server overloads and bandwidth issues are other problems that can result in unplanned server downtime. Catastrophic failure at the data center where your server resides can also result in serious downtime issues.

How Much Downtime Should You Expect? The amount of downtime you should expect will depend on how often you perform server updates and maintenance as well as the quality of your service provider. You can take measures to minimize planned downtime, such as the implementation of server clustering. Server clustering provides you with continuous messaging availability through the services of a standby server in the exchange cluster while you perform maintenance on the primary node. Unplanned downtime, however, is not so easy to manage. That is why it is crucial that you keep an eye on server outages and slowdowns and monitor your server's performance. If you have anything less than 99.9 percent uptime, there is a problem and you either need to upgrade your server or change to another service provider.

How to Monitor Your Server Downtime: You can't fix a problem if you do not know that a problem exists. It is nearly impossible (and is definitely not cost effective) to have an employee monitoring your website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The best way to ensure that you are on top of any server downtime issues that may arise is to utilize the services of a website monitoring company. A website monitoring service can keep an eye on your websites, servers and routers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and will alert you when your site is experiencing outages or slowdowns. If you notice that you have more downtime than you should be experiencing, you can take measures to correct the issue.

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Article Marketing and Link Building Solutions

As soon as you have developed your website the very first thing that you need to do is to have an internet marketing strategy that will surely make your site popular and capable of reaching out a great deal of people on the net. However, you cannot achieve this by just depending on one website and incorporate graphic designs and good contents on it.

So what is the best way to get started then? For you to be able to spread your business online and reach a great deal of customers in many parts of the globe there is a need for you to create the right online links. For example, you are going to put good content with links that will lead a particular person on your online business. This is strategy is called article marketing with link building strategy.

Link building solution incorporated in your article marketing strategies will definitely reach a good chunk of audiences which will in turn become your business' loyal patrons. However, you have you take note that these link building solutions should not look like the links you see on Google ads and Facebook. These links act as medium; the link or links pass to the target audience who may get interested to know more about the business or company products which you are currently running.

Now, since these links are commonly used in article marketing, they serve as essential tools for an individual's business schemes or plans. Posting many articles with links will definitely increase your chances of getting connected to loads and loads of people who are looking for products which are in line with the products you sell on your site.

So, it will be a very important advice to incorporate many articles with links on your site and in different article directories online. This will soon create multiple results as these articles are usually clicked by a particular person who gets interested with the product or products you are promoting.

As a matter of fact, there are many online businessmen today make use of article marketing as a great way to reach people and get the opportunity to create traffic. As the traffic increases, your site becomes known and so does your products. So if you really want your online business to prosper, it is indeed great to make use of article marketing strategy and link building solutions - the best ways to be successful in the business so far.

Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?   Backlink Building Service: Link Building Tips for Charities   Back Link Generation Service: Can They Help Your Business?   Backlink Building: Effective Link Building With Social Media Marketing   

Using Advanced Search Queries To Identify New Linking Opportunities

Link building can be a time consuming activity for webmasters, especially when it comes to building quality links that are considered an authority within the world wide web. The Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) world has established a varied array of link building techniques that can help build quality links such as article writing and submission. Press release distribution and also directory submissions. These provide a large opportunity to help improve and increase a websites backlink profile, whilst bolstering the domains strength.

But a major drawback of carrying out these link building activities can be when one day the search engines decide to de-value links that come from directories, or even from press releases. Although very unlikely the recent Penguin update from Google has penalised many low quality directory websites, including penalising those who have been caught using paid links. Resulting in search engine rankings disappearing after a websites backlinks being swept away. Especially for those who only seek to acquire low quality links from directories and forum posting for example.

This is why professional link builders recommend using many different activities. From linkbait to guest posts are a much more recommend solution to help websites gain higher quality links. Plus giving a website greater diversity and a more natural backlink profile. Demonstrating to the search engines that the site has value to offer.

This is where link prospecting can be used, to help further enhance not only a websites backlink profile but also help identify high quality links. Link prospecting involves many activities but lets focus on one of the main methods that involves carrying out advanced queries within Google, to help identify possible opportunities.

Here are a few examples of the advanced search queries that can be used:

[ inurl:"" business directory ]

This advanced search using search operator inurl can help identify a vast number of potential business directory opportunities that are located with specific top level domains. This can be changed to help assist localised link building campaigns with .ru, .cl and .nz for example. The inurl can also be changed from domains to keywords that contain a specific search term within the URL.

[ intitle:"Guest Post" boutique hotels ]

The intitle search operator allows us to search for the term directly and to return pages that use this within the page title. As the example above shows this search query returns a range of quality websites that allow guest posts regarding boutique hotels, mainly travel blogs. But this can help display a range of potential targets for reaching out.

Keep in mind though that intitle operator is limited and by mixing this with other operators can help weed out great opportunities.

[ Accounting "Directory" ]

Another search query that can return greater results can be achieved by using quotation marks. This will return exact match results, by using a combination of words with and without quotation marks can help determine specific websites that can as suggested above display accounting webpages that also contain directories. Although the example above is not the greatest the quotation marks are often underestimated and by trial and error will help determine it's best use.

SEO among other activities such as Pay Per Click (PPC) and Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) involves being not only being pro-active but staying ahead of the competition.

Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?   Backlink Building Service: Link Building Tips for Charities   Back Link Generation Service: Can They Help Your Business?   Backlink Building: Effective Link Building With Social Media Marketing   

Audio Streaming - 8 Straight Forward Tactics to Profit From Audio Streaming

One great thing about the Internet is its ability to really bring out the genius of other people and have them come up with the newest ways to conduct business. One such way is through audio streaming. While it may have not been set-up initially to serve the business world, some innovative folks out there have seen the way it can help make any business prosper with the right approach and tactics. Maximizing the utility of audio streaming can help turn your business around. Here are eight straightforward tactics which you might want to consider in order to profit from audio streaming:

1. Fulfill your responsibilities one by one. Learn to prioritize - whether it is the script, the voice talent or the background music - learn to do things one at a time to avoid missing anything important in the production process.

2. Avoid streaming during the peak hours when a lot of people log on to the Internet. Doing so might cause your Internet service provider to lag because it cannot support the traffic. Use audio streaming during off peak hours instead.

3. Update yourself with the trends of audio streaming and the latest techniques that are taking the streaming world by storm.

4. Invest in software that will allow you to insert audio in your websites. This will cut your production time in half and will be worth the investment in the long run.

5. Ask for the advice of experts. They have the expertise and the know-how to make your audio streaming a whole lot better compared to when you actually do it yourself.

6. For additional information and great tricks, register in forums where experts and enthusiasts of audio streaming convene. These individuals have great ideas for you.

7. Always keep coming up with audio streaming for your website. Doing so will ensure that you have a back up in case you get in a time jam and cannot create a new one - you have an extra handy.

8. Add text for lecture-like audio streaming. If your website is instructional this is indeed a useful feature for the visitors of your site.

Best Audio Streaming - How to Excel at Audio Streaming and More   Quick And Easy Steps To Getting Started With Streaming Audio   Creativity Through Streaming Audio   Audio Streaming and Radio   Online Audio Advertising - How to Boost Your Internet Business With Online Audio Advertising   

Lucrative Audio Streaming - Produce More Profits With Audio Streaming

With the growing competition that is taking place on the Internet, businessmen and marketers all the same are looking for strategic ways on how they can address the issue of competition and be able to give the potential clients a better way to service their needs. More difficult to resolve on the business perspective is the issue about how they can reach out to their potential clients in manner that they get to entice and attract them still to visit their site. In response to this pressing issue, the inclusion of audio streaming on a web site is the technology that they are looking at. Streaming an audio is one of the latest technologies nowadays and has become part of most net users. In order to be effective with this, the following suggestions are being made:

a. Make yourself equipped with the latest and newest trends in audio and streaming videos. This will help you know the pulse and the basic wants and needs of people in terms of audio files and streaming. You need to make a concrete identification of what basically entices people and what appeals to them.

b. When the audio streaming files are made, you may want to ask for feedback and opinion about how well you made in the drafting and manufacturing of your audio files. After all, the feedback is never to be taken in a negative perspective and thus should always be constructive by nature.

c. If you are new in audio streaming, it is best that you seek help in identifying the right theme and background for your audio file. The theme will allow you to be coherent and organized with what you are doing.

d. Always put some personalized touch on your audio files. When you are putting yourself with what you are doing, the outcome is always geared at being the best.

Best Audio Streaming - How to Excel at Audio Streaming and More   Quick And Easy Steps To Getting Started With Streaming Audio   Creativity Through Streaming Audio   Audio Streaming and Radio   Audio Streaming - How to Succeed   Internet Radio Station - The Source of Better Entertainment   

Best Audio Streaming - 3 Important First Steps to Audio Streaming

Audio streaming is a cool feature you can add to your web site. This can add value to your web pages and can give convenience to your visitors. Streaming audio can help you provide long information to your customers and explain in depth your services and product features. It is very helpful especially if you are into affiliate marketing and you want to introduce step by step the methods and benefits of your program. Here are 3 important first steps when utilizing audio streaming:

1. Find a program that can record and place streaming audio on your site using live audio from a microphone, telephone conversation or phone-ins, and recorded audio clips. There are programs that provide these functions. You can use phone-ins to collect testimonials which are a very good sales strategy.

2. It will also help your site if you can have an audio streaming program that records the audio file on a separate server. This will not strain your site from very high bandwidth use especially if many people are listening to your audio. It would be great if your streaming audio files can be hosted on a dedicated server and delivered to your site without using too much bandwidth.

3. Stay clear of audio programs that can not compress audio clips. You will have difficult time loading these audio clips and it will further strain your web site. A good audio streaming program makes use of compression technology in order to deliver good quality audio at a smaller file size.

Audio streaming is a good marketing method. You can present your products, services, and income generation programs through a media that is easy to use and convenient. You don't need to require your visitors to read texts; they'll just sit back, relax, and listen to your audio presentation.

Best Audio Streaming - How to Excel at Audio Streaming and More   Quick And Easy Steps To Getting Started With Streaming Audio   Creativity Through Streaming Audio   Audio Streaming and Radio   

How To Make Money With SEO And Internet Marketing - 6 Easy Steps

How to make money with SEO and internet marketing? That is the million dollar question. If you can figure out how to rank on the first page of the Google's of the world, there is a great chance you could start making money, a lot of money. For some reason, half of entrepreneurs are afraid of SEO and the other half just doesn't have a clue how to make money with SEO and internet marketing. Today I will show you 6 real easy steps to use every time you post an article, a blog post, a video or anything you trying to rank for on Google that will get you to the first page almost every time.

First what is SEO? SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is a way to get higher ranking on the likes of Google, Yahoo, MSN etc. Knowing how to properly SEO will get you on the first page and get you more visits to your websites. More visits equals more money in your pocket.

There are many benefits of using SEO as a marketing strategy. First you get targeted traffic. Those are people that are looking for what you have to offer. SEO is free. You get to leverage your strategy but the drawback is that it is a long term marketing strategy. You have to give it 3 to 6 months of consistent work to see good to great results.

How To Make Money With SEO And Internet Marketing. 1st Step

You want to make sure you use the right keywords. Those are called money keywords. They are specific long tail keywords that will target people that are looking for exactly for what you have to offer. Example, someone who is looking for a big screen TV will enter in the search bar "big screen TV". This is not a buyer. This is someone looking for information. A buyer would enter "Sanyo Big Screen TV Model A420" That is a buyer.

How To Make Money With SEO And Internet Marketing. 2nd Step

Your keyword should be what we call a long tail keyword. 3 or more words with low competition. At least 1000 search per month with less than 100 backlinks. (You can get the backlink info at You can find keyword suggestions from Google as well. In the Google search bar, enter "Keyword Tool" and you will find a free website to help you with your keyword selection.

How To Make Money With SEO And Internet Marketing. 3rd Step

Your content that you post has to follow a few guidelines. First don't write negative reviews about any companies or other people online. You don't want your name to be associated with words like scam, faque etc. Write helpful reviews or personal accounts.

How To Make Money With SEO And Internet Marketing. 4th Step

If you are posting on your blog, make sure to do the following. Use your keyword in the title and at the beginning of the description. Use header H1, H2 and H3. Change the permalink to your keyword if you can. Add a picture and change the text to the keyword. And if your blog will allow, add the "All in One Seo pack" plug in.

How To Make Money With SEO And Internet Marketing. 5th Step

Learn how to do backlinks for your post. To learn how, do a Google search or a YouTube search. There is tons of free training available to you. Get link from Social Media, article directories, other blogs, authority sites etc. To help you with backlinks, you can purchase the "Article Marketing Robot" for under $100. It will be a great for you.

How To Make Money With SEO And Internet Marketing. 6th Step

Keep track of all the keywords you are going for on a spreadsheet. Write an article, a blog post or post a video 3-5 times a week. After a week or so, start driving backlinks to your post. Review in 2 weeks and if you are not on the first page yet, than add more backlinks. And review again in 2 weeks.

Learn how To Make Money With SEO And Internet Marketing today. Put in place the content of this information today. If you follow the training here, you will see great changes in your business and your wallet very soon.

To Your Success, Sincerely, Ghyslain

Simple Ways to Increase Your Google Rankings   SEO Editor Is an Important Job in Search Engine Optimization   Online Marketing Techniques Are the Backbone of Internet Businesses   Learning and Understanding the Basics of Search Engine Marketing   Choose Your Road to Fame - SEO Optimization by Topic and Concept   

Why Local Online Search Marketing Is Very Critical For Local Small Business Owners and Professionals

If you run a local small business or service and you need to receive local customers from your company website, then the Google Places Business Directory is where you want to be.

Local search engine marketing through Google's Local Business Directory can make it possible that when someone locally enters keywords relating to your business, your company will be listed on the very first page of the search results with other competing local small businesses.

Before Google Pages came along, getting local traffic from Google was a major problem to small business owners. Local companies would normally receive traffic from all over the world causing a very poor conversion rate which definitely affected sales.

Business owners were either wasting time and or money on SEO campaigns. Whether SEO was outsourced or done in the back office, many companies were unsure if this was worth the time and money for such little results.

Local search engine marketing is nothing more than an online version of the Yellow Pages where people can search for local small business providers. The computer and the smart phone has made it very convenient to search for a local small business or service by entering keywords into Google and clicking SUBMIT.

Google (maps) is not the only search engine that has this local marketing capability. Other major search engines like MSN (Bing), Yahoo, and Ask are also allowing people to search for small businesses or products locally. Searches can also be narrowed down to city, state, zip code, area code, etc. Maps have also been incorporated to help finding these local small businesses much easier. People are starting to buy smart phones at an alarming rate and that means local search is really going to get bigger and better.

It's really not that hard at all to optimize your local small business to improve your rank for local customers. First of all, you must follow the normal SEO guidelines with good keywords relating to your business. Give your visitors some quality content about your business or service and make it easy to navigate through your listing. Make sure that you add a location in the description or title of your listing. For instance, if your small business target keyword is 'Pizza' and your are located in Tampa, Florida, you can write 'Pizza in Tampa Florida' in the title or somewhere in the description.

Don't hesitate to add your business listing to other search engines or local directories besides Google Places. When Google notices that your business is listed in other directories with the same information, they will give your local business special treatment when it come to ranking your small business in the search results. When listing your business with other local business directories, this is known has having citations. For every directory that you are listed with is one citation, and the more citations you have the more Google Pages will love your local business. It's called having 'Citation Juice.' So when you get the chance, sign up for as many local business directories as you can.

A few other ways that you can rank on the first page of Google for local search is by getting backlinks from other local website owners. Make sure that you use the location name and keyword for your business as the anchor text.

You can also join and participate in local forum discussions, just make sure that you add a link in the signature of your account back to your website.

Donating to local charities is also a great way to get some local links because some charities will add a link to your website for the donation.

Also, try to add a Google map on your business website to allow visitors to know your exact location.

These are just a few of the important techniques that you can use to rank better in the Google Places Business Directory and other search engines for local search.

Also, Google has introduced its new Google Business Pages feature via their Google+ social network and this is very huge for local small businesses and professionals. Did you know that the Android operating system is currently the leader in market share for all smart phone devices and some tablets? Well, it is said that Google will be activating over one million android devices a day!

Their new update (v 4.0), which will be coming out on all of the top of the line android devices this year, is called Ice Cream Sandwich and what is so important about this is that the structure of how the phone will be used, everything will be integrated with Google+ and Gmail!

So that means that everything that you do on this phone will be tied into Google Plus!

That statement above should get you excited enough to get your local small business listed with Google Pages, Plus, and Maps right away.

Simple Ways to Increase Your Google Rankings   SEO Editor Is an Important Job in Search Engine Optimization   Online Marketing Techniques Are the Backbone of Internet Businesses   Learning and Understanding the Basics of Search Engine Marketing   Choose Your Road to Fame - SEO Optimization by Topic and Concept   

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